Myth: Only couples who are about to divorce go to therapy

This idea that couples who attend therapy are seriously considering divorce is an absolute myth. In fact, most couples that have come through my doors are not on the verge of divorce.

So then, why do couples go to therapy?

All sorts of reasons. To gain insight into the issues they are having. To learn techniques on how to deal with triggers. To understand their partner better. To be happy.

I believe stats show that couples wait 6 years before they decide to come to therapy. That’s a long time of being unhappy. And I think it’s fair to say that the longer you wait, the more likely someone, either you or them, are on the verge of walking out. Couples who don’t wait so long tend to feel more hope.. and energy.. to make the changes for everyone to be happy.

As a pro-relationship therapist, I love working with couples who are committed to staying together and working on their relationship. The tools that I provide them are permanent tools. They really do work.

So, no.. you don’t have to wait until someone brings up the “D” word before calling in for help. Couples therapists are here to help you and your partner be happier. We all want that, right?


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